The exhibition will take place in the Riga Porcelain Museum from 23 November 2019 until 19 January 2020.
When we are talking about fitness we don't ask why the body needs to move everyday, we take it for granted that it is healthy and beneficial, even necessary. But how often do we remember that our brains too need exercises? Training the body has clear benefits - humans need moderate activity and nobody doubts that regular practice can bring great changes (and gains). The situation is a bit more complicated with brains. On the one hand we have the tendency to consider one's mental ability as genetically predetermined. On the other, the descriptions of fitness classes incessantly tell us that balanced body functions improve the cognitive function, ability to focus and productivity - that is, benefits also mental health, asserting and reminding that humans are complex beings, in which the spiritual and physical is united.
How are you keeping your brain fit? Do you meditate? Eat acai berries? Exercise in open air? Or do something else entirely? Can culture and art provide a fitness programme for our brain? We invite the artists to consider and interpret the topic of "Brain fitness" and come up with their answers to above questions.
The International Small Form Porcelain Exhibition is a tradition that began in 2006. The works should be created in the last two years, its material should be at least 70% porcelain, with maximum dimensions 15x15x15 cm and consistent with the exhibition topic "Brain fitness"·
The museum received 37 applications from Belarus, Brazil, Czeck Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Taiwan and Turkey. The works for the exhibition are selected by a jury: Riga Porcelain Museum Director Santa Dobele, Riga Porcelain Museum Chief Collection Manager Iliana Veinberga, Riga Porcelain Museum Expositons and Exhibitions Curator Ieva Nagliņa, Riga Porcelain Museum Artists Rasa Jansone and artist Inese Pētersone. In the exhibition there will be 27 artists from 15 different countries.
Curator of the exhibition Ieva Nagliņa.
In the picture: Jiri Lastovicka (Czeck Republic) “Bust”, 2019.